Evangelical Training Association Advanced Church Ministries Certificate
This certificate is granted by the Evangelical Training Association of Wheaton, Illinois, to those students completing the 12 courses prescribed by the Association and designated in the C.B.B.I. curricula as E.T.A. courses. ETA credit may be earned simultaneously when taking certain college courses which parallel the ETA curriculum. Certain AOG Teacher Refresher Courses, designated as AOG/ETA, may also fulfill requirements toward this ETA Certificate. Interested students should note that the certificate requires faculty approval and verification for each course. Further information may be obtained from the Registrar.
BI10 - Old Testament Survey I
BI11 - Old Testament Survey II
BI12 - New Testament Survey
BI13 - Triune God
BI15 - You and Your Bible
CE12 - Understanding People
PT17 - Growing Toward Spiritual Maturity
The following 3 courses are highly recommended:
Biblical Beliefs – Recommended elective
Beyond Reasonable Doubt – Recommended elective
Ethics in a Post Modern World – Recommended elective