Graduate Placement
100% of our recent Seminary graduates (2) and College graduates (20) are serving in ministry in either a volunteer or professional capacity (2018-2023).
60% of our recent Seminary and College graduates pursued further education at Carver or another institution (2018-2023).
Institutional Goals
Through both the curricular and co-curricular experiences and programs of Carver Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary, successful students are expected to demonstrate:
Biblical and theological knowledge rooted in the ultimate authority of the Scripture
Ministry skills applicable to urban and multicultural contexts
The ability to evaluate social and cultural realities in light of a biblical worldview
Aptitude in critical thinking and problem solving
The ability to communicate effectively
Values and convictions consistent with a biblical worldview
Vision Statement
Carver's vision is to equip servant leaders to impact the world for Christ through His Church.
Our Purpose
God has given Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary a vision for raising up and training dynamic and effective Christian leaders for urban America. Carver exists to bring the powerful life- and society-changing Gospel to the inner city.
Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary specializes in the training of pastors, missionaries, and lay workers for ministry in local churches, especially for minority communities in America. The college provides a relevant biblical, theological education that emphasizes discipleship and preparation for ministry in contemporary cultures.
Carver is greatly blessed by God to have an excellent faculty, composed primarily of experienced missionaries and competent volunteer pastors with many years in ministry. Most of our faculty have been involved for years in cross-cultural ministries enabling them to teach more effectively in urban America.
As Carver has experienced missionaries on our staff and faculty, we are able to keep the tuition low and enable our students to graduate without debt. This blessing has allowed most of our students to go immediately into ministry after graduation without having to pay off staggering and crippling school debts.
Mission Statement
Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary, as a Christian institution of higher education, exists to glorify God by training and equipping Christians for effective church ministry in a multi-ethnic world.
One hundred percent (100%) of Carver graduates complete their degrees without debt. The interest-free, tuition payment plan allows students to pay their tuition in full each semester. This frees the students to graduate and proceed in ministry debt-free.
Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary is a private institution of higher education. Every program at Carver is designed to train students in Bible and Theology in order to prepare them for effective Christian ministry, especially in an urban, multi-ethnic context. Thus, our institutional core values are:
Authority of God’s Word – We believe the Scriptures (Old & New Testament) are the final authority for all Christian faith and practice. (Matthew 5:17-19; 1 Thessalonians 2:3)
Integrity – We live out Christ-like character in public and private. (Titus 2:7-8)
Servant Leadership – We serve the Lord Jesus Christ, the Church, and the world with humility recognizing the worth of each person before God. (Philippians 2:3-8; Mark 10:45)
Excellence – We strive for excellence in education, ministry, and life. (Colossians 3:23)
Mission-Focused – We fulfill the Great Commission by intentionally helping others grow in Christ, equipping them to reach all people groups. We are committed to sharing our hope and the love of Jesus Christ with the lost world. (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Timothy 2:2; 1 Peter 3:15)
Carver Baptist Bible College, Institute & Theological Seminary is accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education Commission on Accreditation (5850 T. G. Lee Blvd., Ste. 130, Orlando, FL 32822, 407.207.0808) to grant certificates and degrees at the Associate, Baccalaureate, and Master’s levels. The Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) is a national accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation and the U.S. Department of Education.
Carver was granted accredited status by ABHE in February 2024.
Association for Biblical Higher Education
From the ABHE website:
"The Association for Biblical Higher Education is a North American agency, comprising more than 150 postsecondary institutions throughout North America specializing in biblical ministry formation and professional leadership education. ABHE is unapologetically driven to serve Christ and the Church through the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Member institutions engage students in transformational, experiential, and missional education that is grounded in the truth of God’s Word. The end goal of biblical higher education is to go and make disciples."