Bachelor of Science Degree
The Bachelor of Science degree is a college program of 128 hours for those who don't desire to take Greek language courses. Concentrations are available in the following disciplines: Biblical Counseling, Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Pulpit Ministries, & Urban Ministries.
To be admitted into the Bachelor of Science program students must:
successfully complete the required courses or equivalent course content of the Associate of Arts program
the semester prior to enrollment, submit an application via the Admissions Office and be accepted into the Bachelor of Science program
receive approval to enter his/her chosen area of concentration
The degree consists of 110 hours of general requirements and 18 hours of concentration requirements.
Bachelor of Science General Requirements
Core Courses
Bible and Theology (66 hrs.):
Bible Survey I – Old Testament - 3 hrs.
Bible Survey II – New Testament - 3 hrs.
Pauline Epistles I (Romans) - 3 hrs.
Introduction to Bible Study - 3 hrs.
Hermeneutics - 3 hrs.
Personal Evangelism - 2 hrs.
Introduction to Theology - 3 hrs.
Intro to Biblical Languages - 3 hrs.
Systematic Theology I, II, & III - 9 hrs.
Dispensational Theology - 3 hrs.
Old Testament Electives - 6 hrs.
Electives - 25 hrs.
General Studies (26 hrs.):
Communication Skills (Speech) - 2 hrs.
English Composition I - 3 hrs.
English Composition II - 3 hrs.
Great Christian Literature - 3 hrs.
History - 6 hrs.
Orientation - 1 hr.
Biblical Leadership - 2 hrs.
Natural Sciences/College Math - 6 hrs.
Departmental Studies (18 hrs.):
Christian Life and Maturity - 1 hr.
Introduction to World Views - 3 hrs.
Church History - 3 hrs.
Introduction to Missions - 2 hrs.
Introduction to Biblical Counseling - 3 hrs.
Introduction to Christian Education - 3 hrs.
Dynamics of Urban Ministries - 3 hrs.
Concentration Requirements
Bachelor of Science in Biblical Counseling
Christian Apologetics - 3 hrs.
Theology of Christian Counseling - 3 hrs.
Marriage & Family Counseling - 3 hrs.
Comparative Counseling - 3 hrs.
Crisis Counseling - 3 hrs.
Practicum in Christian Counseling - 3 hrs.
Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies
Christian Apologetics - 3 hrs.
Bible Electives - 8 hrs.
Bible Prophecy - 2 hrs.
Biblical Textual Issues - 2 hrs.
Practicum in Biblical Studies - 3 hrs.
Bachelor of Science in Christian Education
Christian Apologetics - 3 hrs.
Christian Home - 3 hrs.
Christian Education Administration - 3 hrs.
Church Education Ministries - 3 hrs.
Teaching Process - 3 hrs.
Practicum in Christian Education - 3 hrs.
Bachelor of Science in Pulpit Ministries
Christian Apologetics - 3hrs.
Expository Preaching I & II - 6 hrs.
Pastoral Theology - 2 hrs.
Church Planting & Revitalization - 2 hrs.
Church Administration - 2 hrs.
Practicum in Pulpit Ministries - 3 hrs.
Bachelor of Science in Urban Ministries
Christian Apologetics - 3 hrs.
City in Theological Perspectives - 3 hrs.
Leadership in Urban Church - 3 hrs.
Theology and Sociology of Poverty - 3 hrs.
Economic Development of the Poor - 3 hrs.
Practicum in Urban Ministry - 3 hrs.